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Need your business to get noticed online? Want to be visible when people are looking for the perfect solution to their problem? Worried you’re missing out on valuable website traffic?

With more companies than ever pushing into the online space, you’ve got to stand out. We can help you do just that. We’ve (Toot your own horn here with some statistics about your clients and your results).

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation is all about making it easier for people to find you online. Search engines like Google use algorithms to rank their search results based on the pages they think are more useful. The higher you rank, the more people will see and click on your site. Done right, SEO can place your business in front of hungry people looking for EXACTLY what you sell.

Our Approach

We see SEO as a long-term partnership, where you focus on providing the ultimate value to your clients, and we make sure those clients can find you when they’re most in need.

We begin by nailing down exactly where your business is currently at. Our technical SEO audit will ferret out your keywords, analyse your competitors, and establish the next steps to increase your website traffic and improve your search results. After that, we work with you on an ongoing basis to put this plan into action.

"We knew we needed to rank in the top 3 for the keyword 'Teddy Bears' in order to compete. The Rank Kings got us there in under three months! I don't know what they do but they're a bunch of wizards."

"We've been bamboozled by SEO agencies before so we were hesitant to go with anyone new. We're so happy we did though! Our ROI with the Rank Kings has been astronomical. We refer them to all new clients as well. Amazing company!"

Download Proposal PDF

SEO Proposal Template

John Blackwood

Hey John,

Thanks for taking the time to chat today. It was great meeting you and your team.

I think your business is at the perfect point to leverage our SEO services.

Your team is ready to handle more leads and take your business to the next level.

Take a look at our proposal here. If you have any questions just let me know.

When you're ready to proceed, just enter your payment details and sign the proposal.

I look forward to working together!



Your Summary
Technical SEO Audit

This audit is designed to establish a baseline for your online presence. We take a careful look at what’s working for your brand right now, and identify opportunities to improve and explode growth.

Your Technical SEO Audit will include:

  • Ranking and keyword analysis: We hunt out the most appropriate keywords for your business, and analyse how you rank compared to your competitors.
  • Site indexing: We make sure search engines can easily find your site and understand what each page is about.
  • Competitive analysis: What are your competitors doing that helps them to rank higher? We take a look at the competition and find out what they’re doing right, so we can apply similar tactics to your SEO campaigns.

Ranking recommendations: With all this data at our fingertips, we dig deep into your keywords and business goals, and create a plan to improve your results

Monthly SEO Campaign

This is an ongoing service billed as a recurring monthly cost. Depending on the results of your Technical Audit, the focus of your monthly campaign may vary from month to month as we implement quick wins, as well as work on long-term strategies to improve your visibility and ranking.

Monthly campaigns may include:

  • Ongoing keyword research, to take advantage of trends, newsworthy content, and emerging markets.
  • Link building campaigns, to place quality content on authority sites linking back to your business.
  • Content strategy, creation and optimisation, to build quality content that attracts prospects via search, is usable and shareable, and builds trust.

Website optimisation, including rewriting current content or creating new pages to improve onpage keywords.

Payment Schedule
On acceptance Total
Technical SEO Audit
Including $250.00 GST
Recurring Total
Monthly SEO Campaign
Including $120.00 GST
Payment Details Required

Please enter or select your payment details. Charges will appear on your statement from PI*SKYRISE ACCOUNTI AU.

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Sign & Accept

Please read your terms of service as it contains important information.

These terms confirm our understanding of the project deliverables, and any limitations to those services. If you have any questions, please contact us prior to signing at {{ email address }}.

Project Scope

We agree to conduct a Technical SEO audit of the company website and online presence (including secondary websites, social media accounts, blogs, and other sites as agreed), and provide a performance report.

We also agree to perform agreed-upon SEO services on an ongoing monthly basis. This may include (but is not limited to), content strategy, link building, website optimisation, and ongoing keyword research.

Project Dates

The project will commence from {{ proposal.commencement_date }} for a period of twelve months, until {{ proposal.end_date }}. Work may continue outside these days if agreed by both parties and an additional contract drawn up.

Project Fees

All fees must be paid in full by the due dates. Late payments incur a penalty, and may result in work being halted until payment is received.

Work completed outside of the scope of this agreement will be charged at an additional rate to be agreed upon at the time of commencement of this additional work.

Liability and Quality of Work Undertaken

We guarantee that your project will be performed by a qualified professional employed or contracted by our business, and will not be subcontracted to another firm or individual. All IP work undertaken will be our original work and will not infringe or violate copyright or trademark laws.

In order to successfully conduct your SEO work, we will require sensitive information from you, such as website passwords. Any information will be kept confidential. We will not disclose information to another party, except as required by law or with your written consent.

Ownership of Work

This is a work-for-hire contract. As such, any copyrights we hold on work conducted for your company or under your company name pass to you upon completion.

All original documents obtained from you shall remain your property. However, we may retain documents for our records.

Any hard copy or electronic deliverables will be provided to you, but remain our IP.

Termination of Agreement

Either party may terminate the contract with written notice. Should either party decide to terminate the contract, we reserve the right to collect fees for services provided up until the date of termination. A final invoice will be issued within 30 days of termination, and will include the standard payment terms.

Supply of content/design

Unless otherwise stipulated in the monthly SEO maintenance, you will be responsible for providing text, graphics, or other design or content as requested. If you choose, an additional fee for content and design work can be negotiated.


Your electronic signature confirms you agreement with these terms. This contract is valid from the date of signing until the completion of the project, unless any change is agreed upon by both parties.

I accept the above terms and payment terms.